

Saturday, April 5, 2014


The current logo until next Saturday. Regal in all it's glory. Not to mention, 3 National Championships. 

As if their wasn't enough drama in my life, a Wal-Mart employee screwed up and put out new FSU merchandise before it was time. And time meaning the Garnet and Gold game next Saturday. The FSU fans have completely lost it. Here's the new logo
Yes. It looks like Elvis. Yes it has teeth. I'm not really thrilled with the white stuff at the hairline. But I'm not losing my cool over it. Don't get me wrong. I'm not happy about it. I'd rather have 

Red lightning. Or

Jameis Squin5ton. But you know, to me it's not about what I want. 

The original logo is actually

I'm pretty sure I don't want that one^^^^^. 

The reasons they are giving for the overhaul are that the current logo is difficult to reproduce and embroider. I think that's valid personally. I once went into a sports store and pondered the reason why there were 475 Gator items and 20 FSU items. I was told it was due to licensing. I assumed it was because of the sensitivity of the Native American image because FSU has come under immense pressure to change it. Only by the approval of the Seminole Tribe have we not had to change it. But now that this has come up, I have taken a second look at the logo and wondered how easy it is to reproduce particularly the feather part that says Florida State. The feather also has colored ridges. So my guess is that made it difficult. Could they have made less noticeable changes and left it mostly intact? Probably.  But they didn't. And to be quite frank, that's nothing to lose your stuff over. It's pretty funny with these players,18,19, and 20 year old kids, start to act more adult than the fans. They proclaim the helmet doesn't make them, but they make the helmet etc. I'm reading Facebook comments from fans saying "if they don't change it, I'm canceling my season tickets.  Seriously?! Are you telling me ALL those Bobby Bowden games, all of these National Championships, all of these Heisman Trophy Winners, all of these hard times, all of these good times, the Sod Cemetary, the Choke at Doak, none of this matters?! 

GET A HOLD OF YOURSELVES! WE ARE SEMINOLES! WE ARE UNCONQUERED!! We are bigger than this. This isn't some Jerry Sandusky/Joe Paterno problem. This is a logo. A matter of opinion. We are still Seminoles and we are still UNCONQUERED.  Now grow up and get your season tickets back before I buy them out from underneath you. And I'll smile doing it. 

MDK In The House

We Must Protect This House


Seminole For Life

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