

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Pulling Of The Jaguar Football Man Card

Saturday, July 26th, was the unveiling of the Gigantic Video boards at Everbank Stadium, home of the Jacksonville Jaguars. I was having a rather quiet day. I ate breakfast at my favorite spot by myself quietly.  I had some almond biscotti frozen yogurt at my favorite place, Yobe. Dropped some tickets for my friend for the night's festivities to her house. Then I made my way to get a pedicure.  I only go to one place EVER!! It's the Nail Zone.  They always have my favorite color, Fly by OPI ( it's a teal color, shocking I know) and they are very clean. I had to wait, but that's ok. I was a walk in.  The place was packed and there was a guy, 48-55, getting a pedicure in the chair next to me. No. This is not why I wanted to pull his man card, but it sure didn't help him either. As I'm waiting with my feet soaking I hear and exchange he's having with the girl doing his pedicure. It went something like this:
Girl- "Do you have plans tonight?"
Guy-"Yes. We are going to the Unveiling Of the New Video Boards."
Girl- "Yeah?! That sounds like fun!"
Guy- " it would be a whole lot more fun if the Jaguars would spend the money on making the team better by getting better players with the money they are spending on bigger video boards!"

Hold On Playa. This guy thinks that the Jaguars can spend as much as the owner has available to get better players. My head literally exploded. Here I am ( I won't say how old I am) thinking "I'm a girl!! Are you telling me I understand this better than this guy who's older than me and and..... My mind was racing. Now full disclosure being what it is, I DO NOT know EVERYTHING about football. But Buddy I sure do try. Even I know every team has the same amount to spend on players. The amount of money is not dependent on the wealth of the owner. Good grief. I had to ask myself "Why is this guy sooo misguided?" 

Unfortunately, a history lesson is in order. ( I have to say I'm not picking on the University of Florida Gators, I promise.) In the state of Florida, there are 2 schools. The University of Florida and Florida State Unviversity. UF was the all boys school. FSU was the all girls school.  UF has been playing football for around 100 yrs.  FSU has been playing football since it went Co-Ed in 1947, roughly. So in North Florida until 1995, all that is known is college football most of which is Gator football. Which is fine, but when there's a new Sheriff (NFL) in town, you best learn some things before you open your mouth.  
College and NFL are very different. In the NFL, the team picks the players. In college, the players pick where they want to go. The players don't get paid in college. They get paid in the NFL. 
I could literally go on all day. But the differences are many. 

I mean does the guy read the Times-Union?! There was a huge article about Tim Walsh, the guy who is in charge of keeping minute to minute salary cap totals for the Jaguars. These things are important to know. Tim Walsh meet Pedicure Guy. Pedicure Guy meet Tim Walsh.

I know. I should've said something.  I was paralyzed with fear. Fear that I might get crazy because he's talking ridiculousness. Seriously. I try my best as a girl to make sure I have my facts straight before opening my mouth. I try to know everything about something I love and am passionate about. Kinda like you would about someone you're going to marry. You don't want to be caught off guard by something you didn't research thoroughly. (Many stories to be told on that one) 

So, in review, Video boards have NOTHING to do with Player salaries. I'm pretty sure if I asked this guy if a guy needs 1 or 2 feet in bounds to make a catch, he would say 1. It's ok. I got his Jaguar Football Man Card. 

MDK In The House

We MUST Protect This House

Not Vicious or Malicious just the Lovely and Delicious MDK

Everybody Grab, Grab, Grab. Nobody tackling. -Vince Lombardi

PS- as I wrote this blog this evening, I had Vince Lombardi, A Football Life playing from my DVR list. As a tribute to my friend, Ashley, who passed away last week, RIP. The biggest Packers fan I know. We will miss you, your smile, your passion for football, and your selfies.