

Monday, February 3, 2014

Dear Roger Goodell..

Dear Roger Goodell,

If you ever actually read this letter, I will be amazed. For some time now, I have wanted to speak with you. However, I don't really have that kind of pull (you were in my Section at Everbank Stadium for a Thursday night game, but I wasn't able to get close for the mob of people that surrounded you. And truthfully that wasn't the time or place to say what I needed to say). I understand and am reminded daily by fans of other teams, that my team, The Jaguars, have been under-performing the last several years. I realize in the real world that that situation will not command respect from John Q. Public. I understand. What I can't understand is the lack of respect that NFL Network, NFL Honors, and other NFL entities dish upon the Jaguars. How can you protect the brand this way? You are probably asking yourself "Where is this crazy football chick going with this? What is she talking about?"

What I'm talking about is the ridicule on NFL Honors in regards to the "suggestion box" that was read aloud. And I quote "The Jaguars should have fewer games HA HA HA". I expect that from Tony Kornheiser AKA Waffle-House-Is-The-Best-Restaurant-In-Jacksonville. I don't expect that from a "league run" awards show. My question to you is, are we loathed all they way to the corporate office? NFL films? Is it the priority of NFL Network to disparage the Jaguars on a pretty regular basis? I just need to know so I can accordingly put my thick skin on. It's become winter-like at this point. Does it need to be Siberia-like? I just need to know.

The other thing is if there is so much EMPHASIS on protecting the Quarterback in a passing league, why don't you see to it all Quarterbacks are protected the same? You have allowed league leaders: The Mannings, Tom Brady, Andrew Luck protection. What's wrong with sending out Fed Ex's for the same infractions on QBs like Blaine Gabbert, Jake Locker, Ryan Tannehill? The lesser knowns? If anyone breathes on Tom Brady it's roughing the passer, half the distance to the goal and 1st down. Protect equally or every man for himself.

For heavens sake, why did you allow Gregg Williams back in the league? Let me guess, second chances? Please. Did you hear Renaldo Wynn imparted some knowledge this weekend that Gregg Williams had the Jaguars playbook during the 1999 AFC Championship game? Do you care? I get the whole you ain't cheatin' if you ain't tryin' bit, but C'mon man!! Gregg (with 2 G's) has to go. Stealing playbooks. Does that warrant any interest? Has it been too long? Or was Spygate more prominent because it was the Patriots?

As a fan, I would relish the opportunity to be at the NFL Combine. I realize this event is more team and player oriented and not fan oriented. However, I would be really quiet and not cheer. I just really like to watch competition. Also, unlike Browns Defensive Lineman Desmond Bryant, I would be more than happy for nosebleed seats from the NFL at the Super Bowl.


MDK In The House

We Must Protect This House