

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Valentine's Day Reflection

Today's blog is a break from my normal football blog AKA rant. I apologize. But you know I am a girl, and sometimes I HAVE to act like one ;-) Hang tight. There will be a football reference or two or five.

This past week was Valentine's Day 2013. Not a day I normally find joy in celebrating. Why you might ask? Well, I've never been much for Valentine's Day since my parents took me to the IRS office on Valentine's Day when I was five. I never really had anyone make a fuss over me on that day anyway. I don't tend to want to be center of attention. So, no big loss.

When I was in college, I was dating someone and he proposed to me on Valentine's Day. Needless to say, we broke up 6 months later before the wedding. The reasons why we broke up are important. He wanted me to dress more risque i.e. shorter skirts, tighter tops. He wanted me to be thinner and said I was fat. I was 110 lbs. He wanted me to change church affiliations. He also wanted me to be a Florida Gator fan knowing I was a die hard Florida State Seminole. The bottom line is this: Don't change for a man. You are, barring some unforeseen felony, perfect the way you are now. A man should love you no matter what. Are there little things that can change, like changing the toilet paper roll? Yeah. Never change things that make you who you are.

So, obviously, I didn't marry him. Thank goodness. But it has indefinitely put a bad taste in my mouth for Valentine's Day. It also takes a load of pressure off my husband. My husband is also a Georgia Tech fan. My husband doesn't and hasn't ever tried to change me. He knows better. ;-)

MDK in the House

We Must Protect This House

Stay Calm, Wear Black.

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