

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Opposing Fan Code Of Conduct For Everbank Field Home Of The Jacksonville Jaguars

If you missed my previous post, that's unfortunate. However, feel free to back track or just read below. There have been so many problems with opposing fans in our stadium, I felt as if the Opposing Fan Code of Conduct needed to be updated. Who better to do it than MDK??!! Persecuted and abused at the hands of opposing fans, then like a Phoenix from the Ashes:

Everbank Field, Home of the Jacksonville Jaguars Opposing Fan Code Of Conduct

1. Cheer when your team does something good. Then sit down and shut up.
2. Do not plant yourself in my seat. It's mine. I paid for it. Go sit in your assigned/designated seat and leave me alone.
3. You have a corresponding side of the stadium if you are a fan of the opposing team. If you wish to jack someone's seats, go there and do it.
4. Do not become disrespectful to my team and myself when my team does something "bad" and your team does something "good".
5. Please do not get drunk in my stadium. If you throw up on me, you will have a bad time.
6. Feel free to take your shenanigans to the parking lot and express them.

Feel free to share. We may not deserve respect in other venues, but our home turf is hallowed no matter what (or how bad we are).

MDK In The House

YOU Must Respect My House (Stadium)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Let Security Carry 'em Out: A Jaguar Fan's Code of Conduct for Opposing Teams

-Watch out for my medallions, my diamonds are reckless, feels like a midget's hanging from my necklace.

(Anytime you say "Let Security carry'em out," you must follow with the necklace part.)

In the past several weeks, I've noticed several things regarding fan codes of conduct. In Everbank Field, home of the Jaguars: there is no opposing fan code of conduct. Not one that I've seen. When at LG field for the Titans came, there was a clear opposing fan code of conduct at the gate. I need to know why there isn't one at Everbank field. If there is one, it needs to be more noticeable.

Why is this a big deal??!! Because I pay good money to sit in my seat and I continually get disrespected every single game by opposing fans. To the point of not wanting to sit in my seats anymore. Even a small part of me that says, "I still support my team, but I can't take the abuse. Maybe I should sit at home and watch the game."

If you are new here, you probably think "well, she must be a new season ticket member". Well no, I'm not new. I've been here 10 years and have the pin to prove it.

However, several weeks ago, I had a Stealer's fan (as in stealing my joy) in her short but very popular lace shorts, shake "herself" in my face as she walks down the aisle, directly in front of me and my 9 year old nephew, when the Stealers intercepted Blake Bortles. Albeit, to a seat that wasn't hers.

"Oh ok. This is an aberrancy." No. It's not.

This past week, when the Dul-phins were here, I had the added bonus of getting up and going to the bathroom and coming back to 2 guys sitting in my seats. Alas, where did they come from? From the Bud (aka Drunk) Zone. I immediately motioned for them to get out of my seat, that I had arrived to take my seats back. WWHHHATTTTT!!!????

The 2 seats next to me were empty the whole game until I returned to my seat from the bathroom. There was a very drunk UCF fan next to me, who was passed out asleep. Next to him, was a
Dul-Phins fan who was on his way to being very drunk also. That guy was using chewing tobacco and spitting it into an aluminum bottle with no lid. He got very agitated when the Dul-Phins did something wrong on the field and hit the bottle just right with his other hand. And then it happened. I ended up with chewing tobacco and spit on my right hand. How am I sure? I smelled it. It was nasty and I had no napkin to wipe it off. So, with about 8 minutes to go in the 4th quarter, I vacated my seats to wash my hands and exit the stadium. On my way out , I mentioned the incidents to security and left.

So, I have come up with several rules:

1. Cheer when your team does something good. Then sit down and shut up.
2. Do not plant yourself in my seat. It's mine. I paid for it. Go sit in your assigned/designated seat and leave me alone.
3. You have a corresponding side of the stadium if you are a fan of the opposing team. If you wish to jack someone's seats, go there and do it.
4. Do not become disrespectful to my team and myself when my team does something "bad" and your team does something "good".
5. Please do not get drunk in my stadium. If you throw up on me, you will have a bad time.
6. Feel free to take your shenanigans to the parking lot and express them.

I refuse to leave. I will fight this battle until I am victorious or move to Club seats.

MDK In The House

We Must Protect This House

P.S. It wouldn't hurt to win a few games. You know, WINNING SOLVES EVERYTHING. Apparently.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Really?! Together we make football?!

I don't know about you but I've been seeing these ads that are supposed to pull at the heartstrings about everyone's different experiences about why they love football. Obviously geared towards women to pull them in. Well, honey, let me tell you something. I don't need any mushy gushy nonsense. I am safe and secure in the reasons why I love football. I'm sure their stories are nice, but crying isn't my thing (at least crying for no reason). I am sure this is all nice and everything, but they have it wrong. We don't make football. Football makes us. 

Yes. You read that right. Football Makes Us.

I've heard several football players make the statement "Football is what I do not who I am". And I can appreciate that. But we aren't talking about that. We are talking about fans.  

Speaking from personal experience, I can safely say I've never been a bandwagonner.  Nor will I ever be. My loyalties lie in a place that is impenetrable. Can you say you would remain loyal to a team with an iconic coach who for the last 7ish years of his career at FSU continued to coach in the same manner that he had for the last 40 yrs and felt no need to change? I love Bobby but it was time. Can you say you would remain loyal to a team that promised 8 of the last 10 yrs you've been a Jacksonville Jaguar season ticket holder that they were in the midst of a rebuild and it would be "1 more year"!? No. You have no idea.  Because most of you have rooted for the Broncos, Patriots, Packers and Giants. You have no idea what it's like to sit in seats in 90+ degree weather and lose close and sometimes not so close. You have to put up with a league that relishes in belittling a small market franchise albeit one of their own franchises. It's an act of humility, loyalty, perseverance, and at times self-loathing to continue to believe in the team I love. It makes you a tough person. It makes you thick skinned. So while your watching all that PC mushy gushy non-sense, know this. Somewhere in North Florida a girl, a woman, a lady sweats in a teal seat and football has made her.

MDK In The House

We Must Protect This House

Not vicious or malicious just the lovely and delicious. 

Always imitated. Never duplicated.

PS: To the woman at the Titans game taking my cup after the game: good luck to ya. I didn't need it. And besides I left everything on the field. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Jaguars Point Of View: First Things First, I'm A Realist

In the great and wise words of Iggy Azalea we hear: "First things first, I'm a realist." Regarding the Jaguars, I know what I saw in the game against Washington on Sunday. I DON'T NEED TO DEPEND ON THE EYES AND THOUGHTS OF OTHERS. I'm tired of seeing the rants: It's Henne, It's the Offensive Line, It's both, or the Defense stinks. I believe in the 24 hour rule. Personally I'm ready to move on. No I don't care if Henne plays. No I don't care if they start Bortles. I don't care to hear it. I'm tired of reading it. This is still my team. I didn't like what I saw but I'm still here. It's like when my dog does something bad, I still love her, but I got my eyes on her. Do I want to win? YES!! But a front office that listens to the fans will sit with them. Seriously. It's nearing the 24 hour mark and it's time to put up and shut up.

Personally, this why we play Fantasy Football isn't it? We get to pick who we want to play on our team, who we want to start and who we want to bench. It's a control thing.

So, if it takes logging off Facebook for a few days I will. If it takes divorcing myself from Jaguar fan pages, I'll do that too.

I know what I see and hear. I don't need any help. Thanks.

MDK In The House

We Must Protect This House

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Remembering One of the Greats: Mr. Tattoo

It has been three years since my sweet Smooth Collie, Tattoo, passed away. I still miss him. He was quite the Jaguars fan and really loved managing our Fantasy football team, Tattoo's Team. He loved for me to leave the Jaguars games on when I went to the stadium to watch games. I would even dress him in a Jaguar Santa hat and scarf for our Christmas Card. He was quite the gentlemen. 

I adopted him from Collies Florida Rescue. He was a very special boy to his foster mom, Margo. Her and Joyce saved him from Polk County Animal Control. AC actually thought he was a girl and sometime later I had to come up with pictures to prove he wasn't. LOL. 

Several months prior to his passing, our home flooded and I had to board him for a month. I would go and visit, but he really needed to be home.  I finally got him home.  Shortly after that, he was having a hard time with his back legs. They would sink to the ground if he stood still. It progressively got worse. And yes, I was taking him to the vet and they were treating him with Acupuncture and Chiropractic. He would do better and then revert back. About 2 weeks before he passed I was taking him to the vet and he unexpectedly began pooping in my backseat. It was solid thank heavens. I pulled over to a parking lot and began to "get rid of the evidence." I don't know if anyone has ever had this happen, but you want this out of your car ASAP. So began dumping it out of my car onto the parking lot, and a "man" comes hauling butt in his 1985 Chevy Suburban yelling and screaming obscenities. " you blankety blankety woman what the blankety blank are you doing, you pick up that blankety blank blank off this asphalt and get your blankety blank out of here." At this point I was crying. Crying because I knew my dog was not going to live long and crying because this Jackwagon was screaming like I had stolen a rug from his establishment. In hindsight, I realize that this was probably not somewhere I should do it, but honestly there was no where else to go. I guess the perfectly, I mean perfectly asphalted and line painted jumbo parking lot that was never full and had the occasional Rolls Royce should have tipped me off but honestly I was more concerned about my dog than I was the carpet company that probably ships their rugs with elephant dung covering them. And yes I am still bitter. This Jackwagon made me sob, feel ashamed for what I had done. But also because I drove about 10 miles to the vets office with dog poo on napkins in my left hand. I'm not sure why I didn't stop somewhere else and throw it away but I was rattled. If you are reading this, you are probably wondering why I'm droning on and on. Well, I read a blog I believe it was "The Happy Hausfrau". She's pretty smart lady and has some really hard experiences and she's funny. She was speaking about something terrible that happened to her and the person that did it to her showed up on her Facebook page as a suggested friend. Well, that didn't happen but this rug company did show up in my social media. They want to follow me on Instagram. I'm sure they don't know who I am. I know they don't really want to go there. 

Showing his Seminole Pride

Those things aside, around 2 weeks later Tattoo passed. Before I took him to the vet, we watched one final Jaguars game together. I stroked his fur and told him continuously how much I loved him and how much he meant to me. The Jaguars won that game. And to tell you the truth neither the Jaguars nor myself have been the same since.  

Managing the Fantasy Team

I prefer to remember him like this. This was taken shortly after I adopted him. 

Furever in our hearts, Mr. Tattoo.

MDK In The House

Friday, August 29, 2014

Josh Gordon: What's Good For The Goose....

I didn't get a chance to blog about this Thursday before last, when it was a hot topic, but to me it's still worth talking about.
The news about Josh Gordon's 1 year suspension sent "shock waves" around the league. The questions began. "Why should he get 1 yr? Maybe the League is too harsh on Marijuana infractions?! Shouldn't Josh be allowed more inclusion to his team EVEN though he's suspended"?! It was like a literal love fest for Josh Gordon. The man smoked pot and got busted. He even tried to say it was second hand smoke (I mean really!).  Let me get this right. This Wide Receiver, Josh Gordon, who plays for the Browns (*Snicker*), is a Fantasy Football hero in many circles, is on a team that has had 20 something Quarterbacks in 15 yrs, plays on the same team with Johnny Manziel and all of these things make a case for "bending" the rules for a player that can't be bothered with trying to follow the rules and stay clean?! Hold On Playa.
Everybody is losing their minds over Josh Gordon and I'm over here like what about Justin Blackmon? What about letting him be closer to HIS team? He SURELY hasn't been helped with the distance that comes from suspension. Did anyone think of him this week when leniency ruled the day for JG?! No. Not one person. But I did. Because once you are on my team, you are on my team. Lots of similarities between JG and Justin Blackmon. Both in trouble in college and come into the NFL with those same problems.
Unfortunately, I have to wonder why no one felt this way about Justin Blackmon last year? Was it lackluster Quarterback play that would likely not garner much attention, fantasy football or otherwise? Was it that he played for Jacksonville Jaguars and we are considered low man on the totem pole in the NFL? Jacksonville: not storied enough, not proven enough, no rabid fan base? Please. You don't even know me.
Well, Josh Gordon, I just want you to know, second hand pot smoke or not, What's Good For The Goose Is Good For The Gander. You aren't better than Justin Blackmon. Please get clean and stay clean.

PS- Peeps. I can't say this enough. There is nothing, NOTHING, special about the Browns. But guess what?! The NFL and the Players Union are now "negotiating" to find a better solution than 1 yr suspensions. I will repeat. Where was everyone when Justin Blackmon was suspended last year?! Oh yeah. I forgot. He's JUST a Jaguar. 

MDK In The House

We MUST Protect This House

Always Imitated, Never Duplicated

Just a Jaguar

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Pulling Of The Jaguar Football Man Card

Saturday, July 26th, was the unveiling of the Gigantic Video boards at Everbank Stadium, home of the Jacksonville Jaguars. I was having a rather quiet day. I ate breakfast at my favorite spot by myself quietly.  I had some almond biscotti frozen yogurt at my favorite place, Yobe. Dropped some tickets for my friend for the night's festivities to her house. Then I made my way to get a pedicure.  I only go to one place EVER!! It's the Nail Zone.  They always have my favorite color, Fly by OPI ( it's a teal color, shocking I know) and they are very clean. I had to wait, but that's ok. I was a walk in.  The place was packed and there was a guy, 48-55, getting a pedicure in the chair next to me. No. This is not why I wanted to pull his man card, but it sure didn't help him either. As I'm waiting with my feet soaking I hear and exchange he's having with the girl doing his pedicure. It went something like this:
Girl- "Do you have plans tonight?"
Guy-"Yes. We are going to the Unveiling Of the New Video Boards."
Girl- "Yeah?! That sounds like fun!"
Guy- " it would be a whole lot more fun if the Jaguars would spend the money on making the team better by getting better players with the money they are spending on bigger video boards!"

Hold On Playa. This guy thinks that the Jaguars can spend as much as the owner has available to get better players. My head literally exploded. Here I am ( I won't say how old I am) thinking "I'm a girl!! Are you telling me I understand this better than this guy who's older than me and and..... My mind was racing. Now full disclosure being what it is, I DO NOT know EVERYTHING about football. But Buddy I sure do try. Even I know every team has the same amount to spend on players. The amount of money is not dependent on the wealth of the owner. Good grief. I had to ask myself "Why is this guy sooo misguided?" 

Unfortunately, a history lesson is in order. ( I have to say I'm not picking on the University of Florida Gators, I promise.) In the state of Florida, there are 2 schools. The University of Florida and Florida State Unviversity. UF was the all boys school. FSU was the all girls school.  UF has been playing football for around 100 yrs.  FSU has been playing football since it went Co-Ed in 1947, roughly. So in North Florida until 1995, all that is known is college football most of which is Gator football. Which is fine, but when there's a new Sheriff (NFL) in town, you best learn some things before you open your mouth.  
College and NFL are very different. In the NFL, the team picks the players. In college, the players pick where they want to go. The players don't get paid in college. They get paid in the NFL. 
I could literally go on all day. But the differences are many. 

I mean does the guy read the Times-Union?! There was a huge article about Tim Walsh, the guy who is in charge of keeping minute to minute salary cap totals for the Jaguars. These things are important to know. Tim Walsh meet Pedicure Guy. Pedicure Guy meet Tim Walsh.

I know. I should've said something.  I was paralyzed with fear. Fear that I might get crazy because he's talking ridiculousness. Seriously. I try my best as a girl to make sure I have my facts straight before opening my mouth. I try to know everything about something I love and am passionate about. Kinda like you would about someone you're going to marry. You don't want to be caught off guard by something you didn't research thoroughly. (Many stories to be told on that one) 

So, in review, Video boards have NOTHING to do with Player salaries. I'm pretty sure if I asked this guy if a guy needs 1 or 2 feet in bounds to make a catch, he would say 1. It's ok. I got his Jaguar Football Man Card. 

MDK In The House

We MUST Protect This House

Not Vicious or Malicious just the Lovely and Delicious MDK

Everybody Grab, Grab, Grab. Nobody tackling. -Vince Lombardi

PS- as I wrote this blog this evening, I had Vince Lombardi, A Football Life playing from my DVR list. As a tribute to my friend, Ashley, who passed away last week, RIP. The biggest Packers fan I know. We will miss you, your smile, your passion for football, and your selfies. 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Consider Bobby (Bowden) for Sainthood

In football, the next month or 2 is called "The Dead Zone". In my boredom, I decided since ESPNU is showing bowl games from January, I would DVR the most important ones, the Fiesta bowl (Blake Bortles), and the National Championship (FSU). In the last few days, I've watched the National Championship 3 or 4 times and I was thinking about the other important FSU games I had on DVD. 

Several years ago, the greatest end to a coaching career happened in Jacksonville, Florida. Bobby Bowden, longtime head coach of the FSU Seminoles, coached his last game on January 1, 2010. I was in attendance with a very homemade sign. I remembered before I left the house to DVR the game just in case my sign made it. I was so happy to see my coach in action one last time.  Many times I meant to watch the game on DVR. But I didn't. I was sad, unsure of Jimbo. I knew if I watched it, then surely it must be true: it was his final game.

About a year or so after the game was played, my cable provider, AT&T Uverse, had to come out and fix something. Well, they end up taking the main box. The box that had all my saved games: Bobby's last game, David Garrard Hail Mary and Scobee's 59 yd field goal.  I was so upset. Distraught even. After a week or two and a few very choice, angry, and stern words with U-Verse ( and oh by the way the box wasn't broken. It was something else..... They had taken my box unnecessarily.), I got on the internet and started searching for Bobby's final game.  Found and ordered. Then I searched for the 2 FSU National Championship games. Found and ordered.  

Fast forward to today. Today, I decided to watch Bobby Bowden's last game. It seemed like the natural thing to do.  Now that I have, it only seems right.  I was at Doak Campbell last year for Bobby's return. It was Jimbo's team now and watching the National Championship game from January solidified that.  (You can read more about that in the post "My Apology To Jimbo Fisher") as I was casually watching it and inboxing a friend on Facebook, I looked up to the TV to see this:


I'm sure to most of you, this isn't news. But for this Bobby fan, there were some damp eyes and great memories revisited. 

Bobby I Love You!!

MDK In The House

We Must Protect This House

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Today was a sad day in Jacksonville, Florida. The Jaguars released Jason Babin. Some say he was too old or there were too many at his position. Also, the reason stated for his quick release was so he could get on with another team. Although he was labeled problematic by other teams, Babin seemed to thrive here. I remember the first home game he played here. After the game, his wife and 2 sons waited for him to come out and they took pictures with Touchdown (the huge Jaguar statue in front of the West Touchdown Club) while waving styrofoam paws. His first home game just so happened to fall in the middle of a season. Him and his family were All In. It was one of the sweetest things I've seen as a fan.  

I won't say much more because we all know football is a business. It's ever changing. Last year during a game, Babin apparently got a piece of somebody. Of their weave or dreads. It was one the funniest things I've ever seen and is immortalized below. Let's all bow our heads and wish Jason Babin, Godspeed wherever him and his sweet family reside. 

We'll always have this:

Thanks for the memories.

MDK In The House

We Must Protect This House

Monday, June 2, 2014

Fashionably Late: Settling up on Jaguars 1st and 2nd Round Picks and Girl Talk

I realize this post is late at best, but sometimes these things must simmer.

You must watch this:

I must say, I didn't think it would go that way. I was pretty sure the Texans were going to take Bortles because one of their new coaches was his college coach. So, it would only make sense for the Texans to take him for many reasons and from a comfort standpoint. Not to mention, Matt Schaub (bless his heart!! After being followed and harangued by fans at his home!!?? #HOP That's what gated communities are for!!!) going to Oakland.  So, the Texans have a lights out defense. What do they do? They take Clowney, the top defensive prospect. Well ok. I hope you are confident in that training wreck of a QB situation in which you find yourself in, Texans. Offense wins games, defense wins championships, as the saying goes. But you can't win games without a QB.

So, I was surprised the Jaguars take Bortles. Not unhappy, throwing the "you're number one sign" at the draft party and stomping out because it wasn't Manziel. I thought it could be Manziel, but he just didn't fit. Too much splash. So my friends are blowing up my phone. Some good. Some bad. Some say "What do you think?". What I think is this: let me let this insanity sink in. Somehow I seem to recall this as I'm walking back to my car following the draft party:

You see the date!? That's a week and a half before the draft.  So what, you ask?! Leadership ability to say the least?! Stepping up may be his thing. Stepping up to the responsibility plate, stepping up into the pocket to make throws. Maybe he can handle leading a team unlike another QB who shall not be named who we sent to the 49ers for a 6th round pick? Maybe he doesn't cave with pressure? Maybe he thrives in pressure?! I don't know and I kinda don't care. I just care about the future. The future of winning in Jacksonville.

Now the question is, when will he start? Chad Henne is the starter for the foreseeable future and I guess that's ok. We know what we have in him. Does part of me close my eyes and giggle about  Bortles not really being sat his first year? YEAH!! But realistically, I don't need a QB situation like the previous QB now with the 49ers. So I can wait. 

But to me, the real news is the acquisition of Marqise Lee and Allen Robinson. That's exciting. Maybe, for the first time in a long time, the Wide Receiving Group will not be an issue the way it's been since Jimmy Smith left. That would be so nice to enter the 21st century of football. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking our Running Back Group, MJD and Fred Taylor.  But, I believe and correct me if I'm wrong, the first RB was not picked until the 4th round this year. That's huge. The league is more than ever a passing league. And we need to be driving that bus.  Not to mention Marqise Lee is an extremely nice guy who you just want good things to happen to him. Well, now that we've discussed the State of The Jaguars Draft, let's get down to girl talk.

One of my ultimate dream/bucket list item is to be at the draft. I'm totaling kicking myself for not making it happen this year. But maybe next year. I digress. To the fine woman who was seen after Bortles was picked, in the crowd around, 46 secs into the video, with a PINK (not teal/black) shirt/sweater with Detroit Lions pin (SERIOUSLY??!!!???) and a Jaguar pin holding a Jaguars sticker above her head: I'm sure you are a lovely woman. However, I really hope to be standing where you are standing next year. I will be wearing Teal and Black. I will be rocking a recent highlight and cut by Marissa Buttner. And I won't be wearing a Detroit Lions pin. 

We Must Protect This House

Haters Gonna Hate

Playas Gonna Play

Don't Hate The Playa, Hate The Game

MDK In The House

Saturday, April 5, 2014


The current logo until next Saturday. Regal in all it's glory. Not to mention, 3 National Championships. 

As if their wasn't enough drama in my life, a Wal-Mart employee screwed up and put out new FSU merchandise before it was time. And time meaning the Garnet and Gold game next Saturday. The FSU fans have completely lost it. Here's the new logo
Yes. It looks like Elvis. Yes it has teeth. I'm not really thrilled with the white stuff at the hairline. But I'm not losing my cool over it. Don't get me wrong. I'm not happy about it. I'd rather have 

Red lightning. Or

Jameis Squin5ton. But you know, to me it's not about what I want. 

The original logo is actually

I'm pretty sure I don't want that one^^^^^. 

The reasons they are giving for the overhaul are that the current logo is difficult to reproduce and embroider. I think that's valid personally. I once went into a sports store and pondered the reason why there were 475 Gator items and 20 FSU items. I was told it was due to licensing. I assumed it was because of the sensitivity of the Native American image because FSU has come under immense pressure to change it. Only by the approval of the Seminole Tribe have we not had to change it. But now that this has come up, I have taken a second look at the logo and wondered how easy it is to reproduce particularly the feather part that says Florida State. The feather also has colored ridges. So my guess is that made it difficult. Could they have made less noticeable changes and left it mostly intact? Probably.  But they didn't. And to be quite frank, that's nothing to lose your stuff over. It's pretty funny with these players,18,19, and 20 year old kids, start to act more adult than the fans. They proclaim the helmet doesn't make them, but they make the helmet etc. I'm reading Facebook comments from fans saying "if they don't change it, I'm canceling my season tickets.  Seriously?! Are you telling me ALL those Bobby Bowden games, all of these National Championships, all of these Heisman Trophy Winners, all of these hard times, all of these good times, the Sod Cemetary, the Choke at Doak, none of this matters?! 

GET A HOLD OF YOURSELVES! WE ARE SEMINOLES! WE ARE UNCONQUERED!! We are bigger than this. This isn't some Jerry Sandusky/Joe Paterno problem. This is a logo. A matter of opinion. We are still Seminoles and we are still UNCONQUERED.  Now grow up and get your season tickets back before I buy them out from underneath you. And I'll smile doing it. 

MDK In The House

We Must Protect This House


Seminole For Life

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My Bad: An Apology To Jimbo Fisher

I purposefully did not blog about FSU last season because with every win, every touchdown really, FSU was closer to the National Championship. They didn't need me jinxing it for them. There's always trash talk but when the "situation gets real" and your team is going to the big game, it's time to get serious. It's time to wear your colors continuously through the big game and before and  afterwards to make sure EVERYONE knows which side you are on and that you are victorious.

Sometimes the victorious feeling causes introspection. The victory also brings out lots of information, that other times, would seem to be irrelevant.
The other day, I clicked a link that was a story about Bobby Bowden, the BCS, New Playoff System, And Jimbo Fisher. Something I read really made me pause.

Bowden has known Fisher since he was a child and kept watch over the young player and coach at Samford under Terry Bowden.
(From News Herald)

Whattttt???!! Why is this a revelation to me??! Shouldn't I have known this?! What kind of a fan am I??!! So, Bobby and Jimbo go way back. And Bobby has been watching out for Jimbo? And Bobby's sons? This calls into question the whole Jimbo kicked Bobby to the curb. So was it truly the AD Randy Spetman who Forced Bobby into retirement?! All this time I thought Jimbo was imposing his authority/ego on everyone by getting Bobby forced into retirement.

Well, now it's time to do the unthinkable. The thing I never thought I could or should do.

Dear Jimbo,

Although I have been critical in the past. I was wrong. I have felt, since standing in the Gator Bowl watching Bobby take his final bow and plunging the spear mid field, that you were responsible for ending an era. An era that has cemented my fanhood in a team that not even Tim Tebow fanaticism could shake loose. A team that readily in the late 80's and early 90's had no trouble going wide left or wide right, but always straight in my heart. Bobby Bowden was always someone that I thought would always be there. Someone who I "looked up to" in a way. You know, kinda like the way Penn State looked up to Joe Pa except for that child molestation thing. January 1, 2010 brought about a sad time for me. Would you bring winning back to FSU? Would we be a force to be reckoned with? Or would you stay for a few years and then decide the task at hand was too large and find greener pastures? Why would I care? Because I live in Jacksonville (Gainesville North) and I'm sick of the Gators. I wanted someone whose heart and soul's desire was to bring FSU back into prominence and I felt as if you ushered my hero to the door. Little did I know, probably Bobby engineered this thing, not his ousting, the only way an icon can: by putting someone in his place who he had groomed but not overtly, publicly.
With all that said, I have to apologize for doubting you and your intentions of moving the FSU-UF game. I realize that although this game is a tradition, it might not benefit us to play that game so close to the ACC championship game. I also have to credit you for putting Jameis Winston in and getting to the National Championship game. A decision that probably a lot of coaches wouldn't have made. The easy choice was Coker and if that back fired mid season putting Winston in. I'm glad you had the forethought to make the right choice.
The biggest apology yet: Being your own Offensive Coordinator. You took a huge gamble letting James Coley go to the U. I have to apologize for all the criticism I heaped upon you. I also have to apologize for calling into your call in show and running you up the figurative flag pole for losing to NC State. I didn't know your intentions. I didn't realize you were Legacy without being Legacy.
But I have to say, no thanks to Chad Scott, a fill-in at 1010XL, the biggest surprise of all was that you didn't take the job in Texas. Everyone thought you would because Texas was more prestigious than FSU. In the great words of Deion Sanders, Hold On Playa. They thought you would leave because of your son's illness because MD Anderson would be closer. Little did they know, MD Anderson isn't your son's hospital, Amplatz in Minnesota is your son's hospital. Thank you for staying. Thank you for staying for crazy fans like me who just want to win and wear Garnet and Gold.

As a side note, I think it's really cool that you have 3 TVs in your office so your kids can play video games while you watch film and fulfill all the obligations of being a big time coach without missing time with your kids. When I see you, your kids aren't far behind. And let's not forget the First Lady of FSU Football, your wife. She seems pretty awesome too!!!

Thanks for sticking with us crazy fans. We hope to continue success.

MDK In The House

We Must Protect This House

Not Vicious or Malicious, Just the Lovely and Delicious

Monday, February 3, 2014

Dear Roger Goodell..

Dear Roger Goodell,

If you ever actually read this letter, I will be amazed. For some time now, I have wanted to speak with you. However, I don't really have that kind of pull (you were in my Section at Everbank Stadium for a Thursday night game, but I wasn't able to get close for the mob of people that surrounded you. And truthfully that wasn't the time or place to say what I needed to say). I understand and am reminded daily by fans of other teams, that my team, The Jaguars, have been under-performing the last several years. I realize in the real world that that situation will not command respect from John Q. Public. I understand. What I can't understand is the lack of respect that NFL Network, NFL Honors, and other NFL entities dish upon the Jaguars. How can you protect the brand this way? You are probably asking yourself "Where is this crazy football chick going with this? What is she talking about?"

What I'm talking about is the ridicule on NFL Honors in regards to the "suggestion box" that was read aloud. And I quote "The Jaguars should have fewer games HA HA HA". I expect that from Tony Kornheiser AKA Waffle-House-Is-The-Best-Restaurant-In-Jacksonville. I don't expect that from a "league run" awards show. My question to you is, are we loathed all they way to the corporate office? NFL films? Is it the priority of NFL Network to disparage the Jaguars on a pretty regular basis? I just need to know so I can accordingly put my thick skin on. It's become winter-like at this point. Does it need to be Siberia-like? I just need to know.

The other thing is if there is so much EMPHASIS on protecting the Quarterback in a passing league, why don't you see to it all Quarterbacks are protected the same? You have allowed league leaders: The Mannings, Tom Brady, Andrew Luck protection. What's wrong with sending out Fed Ex's for the same infractions on QBs like Blaine Gabbert, Jake Locker, Ryan Tannehill? The lesser knowns? If anyone breathes on Tom Brady it's roughing the passer, half the distance to the goal and 1st down. Protect equally or every man for himself.

For heavens sake, why did you allow Gregg Williams back in the league? Let me guess, second chances? Please. Did you hear Renaldo Wynn imparted some knowledge this weekend that Gregg Williams had the Jaguars playbook during the 1999 AFC Championship game? Do you care? I get the whole you ain't cheatin' if you ain't tryin' bit, but C'mon man!! Gregg (with 2 G's) has to go. Stealing playbooks. Does that warrant any interest? Has it been too long? Or was Spygate more prominent because it was the Patriots?

As a fan, I would relish the opportunity to be at the NFL Combine. I realize this event is more team and player oriented and not fan oriented. However, I would be really quiet and not cheer. I just really like to watch competition. Also, unlike Browns Defensive Lineman Desmond Bryant, I would be more than happy for nosebleed seats from the NFL at the Super Bowl.


MDK In The House

We Must Protect This House