Sometimes the victorious feeling causes introspection. The victory also brings out lots of information, that other times, would seem to be irrelevant.
The other day, I clicked a link that was a story about Bobby Bowden, the BCS, New Playoff System, And Jimbo Fisher. Something I read really made me pause.
Bowden has known Fisher since he was a child and kept watch over the young player and coach at Samford under Terry Bowden.
(From News Herald)
Whattttt???!! Why is this a revelation to me??! Shouldn't I have known this?! What kind of a fan am I??!! So, Bobby and Jimbo go way back. And Bobby has been watching out for Jimbo? And Bobby's sons? This calls into question the whole Jimbo kicked Bobby to the curb. So was it truly the AD Randy Spetman who Forced Bobby into retirement?! All this time I thought Jimbo was imposing his authority/ego on everyone by getting Bobby forced into retirement.
Well, now it's time to do the unthinkable. The thing I never thought I could or should do.
Dear Jimbo,
Although I have been critical in the past. I was wrong. I have felt, since standing in the Gator Bowl watching Bobby take his final bow and plunging the spear mid field, that you were responsible for ending an era. An era that has cemented my fanhood in a team that not even Tim Tebow fanaticism could shake loose. A team that readily in the late 80's and early 90's had no trouble going wide left or wide right, but always straight in my heart. Bobby Bowden was always someone that I thought would always be there. Someone who I "looked up to" in a way. You know, kinda like the way Penn State looked up to Joe Pa except for that child molestation thing. January 1, 2010 brought about a sad time for me. Would you bring winning back to FSU? Would we be a force to be reckoned with? Or would you stay for a few years and then decide the task at hand was too large and find greener pastures? Why would I care? Because I live in Jacksonville (Gainesville North) and I'm sick of the Gators. I wanted someone whose heart and soul's desire was to bring FSU back into prominence and I felt as if you ushered my hero to the door. Little did I know, probably Bobby engineered this thing, not his ousting, the only way an icon can: by putting someone in his place who he had groomed but not overtly, publicly.
With all that said, I have to apologize for doubting you and your intentions of moving the FSU-UF game. I realize that although this game is a tradition, it might not benefit us to play that game so close to the ACC championship game. I also have to credit you for putting Jameis Winston in and getting to the National Championship game. A decision that probably a lot of coaches wouldn't have made. The easy choice was Coker and if that back fired mid season putting Winston in. I'm glad you had the forethought to make the right choice.
The biggest apology yet: Being your own Offensive Coordinator. You took a huge gamble letting James Coley go to the U. I have to apologize for all the criticism I heaped upon you. I also have to apologize for calling into your call in show and running you up the figurative flag pole for losing to NC State. I didn't know your intentions. I didn't realize you were Legacy without being Legacy.
But I have to say, no thanks to Chad Scott, a fill-in at 1010XL, the biggest surprise of all was that you didn't take the job in Texas. Everyone thought you would because Texas was more prestigious than FSU. In the great words of Deion Sanders, Hold On Playa. They thought you would leave because of your son's illness because MD Anderson would be closer. Little did they know, MD Anderson isn't your son's hospital, Amplatz in Minnesota is your son's hospital. Thank you for staying. Thank you for staying for crazy fans like me who just want to win and wear Garnet and Gold.
As a side note, I think it's really cool that you have 3 TVs in your office so your kids can play video games while you watch film and fulfill all the obligations of being a big time coach without missing time with your kids. When I see you, your kids aren't far behind. And let's not forget the First Lady of FSU Football, your wife. She seems pretty awesome too!!!
Thanks for sticking with us crazy fans. We hope to continue success.
MDK In The House
We Must Protect This House
Not Vicious or Malicious, Just the Lovely and Delicious
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