As the dust was beginning to settle on the suspensions for Gregg Williams, Sean Payton, Joe Vitt and Mickey Loomis, a gasp was heard around the world last week. Or at least in my office. That gasp came in the form of an email I received from an update contain a recording. At first, I thought nothing of the update that promised audio of Gregg Williams, the Defensive Coordinator for the New Orleans Saints, talking about bounties to the team before a game. Really? Wouldn't I have already heard this by now? Enough with the dramatics. I click on it. I listen to a 4 letter word laden pep talk by Williams before a game. "Go after the head". I was shocked, hence the gasp, but I try to take a realistic spin on everything. So, I actually thought maybe everyone thought he was speaking figuratively. I also did not like the fact that the audio was edited. That doesn't sit to well with me. I want to hear it in it's original context. I want it all.
Rewind to my post in March: Bounty, the Quicker Picker Upper:
To me it's really amazing with all of the light on injuries in the NFL, that a successful D-Coordinator kept a Bounty System going that supposedly created season ending and career ending events for players. Isn't that a bit narcissistic? He's such a GREAT Defensive Coordinator that he had to use cash incentives so players would give a little extra and end up ruining other players lives? And what if opposing players did the same against him and his team? I'm also surprised given the light that has been on Steve Gleason, a former Saints Defensive player, who has been diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). Presumably from taking and delivering brutal hits. His website is worth reading. He was also showcased on the pre-game Super Bowl Show this year. I think of something a wise person said: "You never know how the things you do today, can have an impact on others in the future." Should Gregg Williams continue to coach?
Now, on Saturday, I was in Orlando and had a particularly stressful and fun day on Friday, so I slept in a little Saturday. I was still in bed, scrolling through Facebook and noticed someone re post a twitter post about a blog from Sean Pamphilon, who recorded the audio. Against my better judgment, I decided to read it. It took me the better part of 45 minutes to read it on my IPhone. Sean Pamphilon was recording for a documentary called the United States of Football. He was in this meeting on an invitation by Steve Gleason. The former player with ALS. So, let's make sure we have this right. Gregg Williams is giving this "pep talk/ mercenary mission" in front of a documentarian and Steve Gleason who is suffering from ALS (which is thought to have been from the repeated head traumas he took while playing football). Okay. I think we are on the right track.
During this Pep Talk/Mercenary Mission Assignment, Gregg Williams did not ask Pamphilon to turn off his recorder unlike Joe Vitt did earlier. And now the knowledge that he had this dialogue with the players with Steve Gleason in the room is astounding. How does Gregg Williams look Steve Gleason in the face? So, is it safe to assume he feels that Steve's illness is from weakness? What a piece of work.
Then there is the releasing of this tape by Pamophilon. He was under an agreement that said Steve Gleason and his family had total control over what was done with the recordings and Pamphilon released them anyway. Pamphilon says his motivation is protecting young children from injury. I believe that's all, well, fine and good. But why not honor the wishes of someone like Steve Gleason whose motto is "no white flags"? He clearly doesn't blame the Saints and has a good relationship with them. They even gave him a Super Bowl ring and he wasn't even playing when they won. Do the right thing by him. It's his life and his choices.
I am not terribly eloquent. I in NO WAY am saying that Gregg Williams is exempt of his responsibility in these terrible acts. He knew it was wrong and did not stop. I think criminal charges might be in order for him. Nor am I saying that football isn't brutal. I don't think the NFL should be a flag football league. I just think there is a right way to do things. Make sure players are well educated about injury and long term effects. Take care of the players upon retirement. The NFL makes billions every year. Take care of the players that got you there.
Ultimately, in this game of football, it is the choice of the players. To a certain extent, they know the consequences of the daily physical beatings their bodies take. Does that mean the NFL has a responsibility to keep the Bounty gate from happening again? Yes. Does it mean the NFL needs to regulate illegal hits? Yes. I have never wished an injury on a player. In fact, I'm on record saying that Peyton Manning should not play. When he does, he will have a GIGANTIC bulls eye on his back. I would rather see him retire in honor than leave the field on a stretcher. Lots of people have said that will never happen. I know his injury. Trust me, one hit to the ground and it won't be pretty.This Pamphilon guy has questionable intentions. (personally I thought his statement sounded a little star struck). To him I would say: Honor your agreements.
MDK in the House
P.S. Terrance "Potroast" Knighton we are hoping you are better soon and have a full recovery.
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