So by now all of Jacksonville is in a frenzy over this Tebow thing. Is he coming, is he not coming. If he does come I'm cancelling my tickets. If he doesn't come I'm not buying tickets. OH COME ON. Everyone get over yourselves and listen up.
I am a self described Tebow Hater. Not Tebow the man. Tebow the football player. If a player hasn't played on one of my 2 teams, Jacksonville Jaguars and Florida State Seminoles, then technically he's not "on my team". It's not complicated. It's not personal. Strictly football. There have only been 2 "exceptions" to this rule: Byron Leftwich and Matt Turk. Tebow has never been on either one of my teams. However, if he does come to the Jaguars I will have no choice but to cheer for him and every other player on the team.
This is not a very popular belief I carry. I really don't care. I'm mildly excited about the new energy in the city and fan base. I also believe this is a critical time in the football situation in Jacksonville. The Florida Gators haven't done much of late. Neither have the Seminoles. If the Jaguars were to become successful, that might turn the tide here. It might make the Jacksonville Jaguars relevant to a whole different segment of the population. Is this a stretch or a reach? Yeah. But what isn't?
One last tidbit. Mike Mularkey was one of the coaches during the Kordell Stewart era at the Pittsburgh Steelers. Stewart was known for versatility being a quarterback, wide receiver and punt returner. So, I'm hopeful he might know how to get a little more consistency from Tebow.
If by chance he goes to the Jets, life goes on. I will not burn my season tickets in the driveway with a TV camers filming. No drama. The Jaguars are my team, right, wrong or otherwise. So, whatever happens, HAPPENS.
Yes, as you now have guessed I am sipping the Tebow flavored Kool-Aid. It's hard not to. I really want my team to be successful and I want and crave a new energy from the fans. If sipping the Kool-Aid is wrong, I don't want to be right.
MDK in the House
Right on Sista!!!