I will speak of these things on the eve of the closing of an era and the beginning of another era. I am immensely thankful to Wayne Weaver for bringing the NFL to Jacksonville. As stated previously in my other blogs, I grew up in Jacksonville. I moved to Marietta, Georgia, just outside of Atlanta, my Senior year of high school, 1991. I was excited when the announcement came, but I wasn't sure I was ever returning to Jacksonville. Professional sports were not a BIG thing. You had to go downtown Atlanta for that experience. I moved back to Jacksonville in 2003 and the rest is history.
You might ask why I write this now. I want to close the book on it. It can never be changed. But from the close of Sunday's game with Colts, New Year's Day, "we will get them next year" will take on a whole new meaning. All the misgivings from the past, will have to be forgiven and try to be forgotten.
So, is this really necessary? Probably not. But as a fan, I want to give Mr. Khan the respect he deserves and wipe the proverbial slate clean. We all want the same thing: For the Jaguars to be successful.
I have often discussed with numerous people where I thought the Jaguars veered off course. I'm no football analyst. I'm no expert. But I have seen/saw several things that I believe are notable. Remember, I speak from a girl's perspective.
The first thing, in no particular order, is Byron Leftwich vs. David Garrard. When JDR started Byron Leftwich in the AFC Wild Card Playoff game January 2006, I believed before the game it was a huge mistake. Leftwich had fractured a bone. Was it really wise to start him? I was just a fan at that point. Not nearly as astute as I think I am now. The only thing I remember about that game, apart from losing it, is the only highlight reel they could show was Byron Leftwich being helped down the field for the next play at.....wait for it.....MARSHALL. Seriously. The Jaguars must have been the laughing stock of the NFL. The only highlight reel to play was from when he was in college AND only showed his *toughness*. I can hardly speak of it without becoming upset. Incidentally, David Garrard should've started that game. He received the bad news when he read it on the internet. Not right.
The second thing is the abrupt and detrimental injury to Richard Collier. I hope that I do not step on toes here. I admire Richard Collier more than I could ever explain. I am not saying it is his fault at all. This is probably the biggest compliment I have ever given to a player. The Blindside Theory: The most important person is the quarterback and the next most important is the person who protects his Blindside, the left tackle. If we are to believe in what I call the Blindside Theory, then his injury and subsequent exit from the game of football, was detrimental to the team. His replacement, God Bless Him, couldn't keep his mama from David Garrard. A quarterback, that spends most of his time on his back looking up at the sky, will not get the job done without protection.
And finally, Jack Del Rio's 8+ yr. term at Head Coach. No one in the league gets THAT long of a leash. He did some good. He did some BAD. Why on earth he was given that much time and did so little? Was he so glamorous looking he couldn't be fired? What could it be? Too much loyalty? Now that he is gone the reports from players on his favoritism, lackadaisical attitude towards players being on time, his ego allowing him to play golf on Friday afternoons and drinking with his buddies while everyone else watched game film, seem ridiculous to have gone on this long. Perhaps Shahid Khan revealed something in his press conference that MIGHT have been conveyed to him by Wayne Weaver: You can't win with a coach you don't like and you can't lose with one you do like. Hopefully, Mr. Khan picks up quickly or can hire all the right people that "get it".
Happy New Year. Go Jags!!
P.S. People are starting to mistake me for Blaine Gabbert AKA Gabby when I have a ball cap on. Could someone please cut his freakin hair????
MDK in the House
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