

Friday, May 15, 2015

Football Hiatus: No More!!

So, it's been almost 4 months since my last post. Lots of things have happened in my life and football has taken a 3rd row seat.  So I hopefully plan on churning out several blogs in the next week or so. It's amazing isn't it? What pushes us to be passionate?

Is it someone who has broken a relationship dear to us (not necessarily of the opposite sex but more like divorcing a family member of yours)? Is it a situation that makes us sit down and think "what's wrong with this"? Or is it a passionate interest in something you love?

I was given the opportunity to give up this blog and become an employee of an organization. I turned it down. Truth be told, I was giving up FaceBook and Twitter as well. Now I'll be the first to tell you, I am no Twitter maven. None of my friends are active on Twitter, but I always know the juice on everything usually as it happens. I definitely follow the right people.

This blog is nothing important in the grand scheme of things. But it's important to me. I often have trouble communicating my knowledge unless I can trash talk. Trash talk seems to be the only way some people will listen.

 Yes. I have been described as a wallflower, but I AM NOT FILTH that even Paul Finebaum thinks I am. More on that later.

I could not give up my version of saying how I feel in this blog. There is no reporting here, only my opinions. No, I am no English major. But I try really hard to make sense and spell things right. So, if you are reading this, I thank you. If you know someone who might like it, please share. And if anyone knows anybody in Antarctica, could you please have them read one blog post??!! If I can get Antarctica, then all seven continents will have read Ramblings Of A Football Chick.

Thanks again!!

MDK In The House

We MUST Protect This House