In the great and wise words of Iggy Azalea we hear: "First things first, I'm a realist." Regarding the Jaguars, I know what I saw in the game against Washington on Sunday. I DON'T NEED TO DEPEND ON THE EYES AND THOUGHTS OF OTHERS. I'm tired of seeing the rants: It's Henne, It's the Offensive Line, It's both, or the Defense stinks. I believe in the 24 hour rule. Personally I'm ready to move on. No I don't care if Henne plays. No I don't care if they start Bortles. I don't care to hear it. I'm tired of reading it. This is still my team. I didn't like what I saw but I'm still here. It's like when my dog does something bad, I still love her, but I got my eyes on her. Do I want to win? YES!! But a front office that listens to the fans will sit with them. Seriously. It's nearing the 24 hour mark and it's time to put up and shut up.
Personally, this why we play Fantasy Football isn't it? We get to pick who we want to play on our team, who we want to start and who we want to bench. It's a control thing.
So, if it takes logging off Facebook for a few days I will. If it takes divorcing myself from Jaguar fan pages, I'll do that too.
I know what I see and hear. I don't need any help. Thanks.
MDK In The House
We Must Protect This House
This is a blog about Football and other stuff. You will not find reporting here, but you'll find thoughts from a girl's perspective.Feel free to comment but please keep it "G". I like to talk smack, but it's never personal. There's a storm coming....

Monday, September 15, 2014
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Remembering One of the Greats: Mr. Tattoo
I adopted him from Collies Florida Rescue. He was a very special boy to his foster mom, Margo. Her and Joyce saved him from Polk County Animal Control. AC actually thought he was a girl and sometime later I had to come up with pictures to prove he wasn't. LOL.
Several months prior to his passing, our home flooded and I had to board him for a month. I would go and visit, but he really needed to be home. I finally got him home. Shortly after that, he was having a hard time with his back legs. They would sink to the ground if he stood still. It progressively got worse. And yes, I was taking him to the vet and they were treating him with Acupuncture and Chiropractic. He would do better and then revert back. About 2 weeks before he passed I was taking him to the vet and he unexpectedly began pooping in my backseat. It was solid thank heavens. I pulled over to a parking lot and began to "get rid of the evidence." I don't know if anyone has ever had this happen, but you want this out of your car ASAP. So began dumping it out of my car onto the parking lot, and a "man" comes hauling butt in his 1985 Chevy Suburban yelling and screaming obscenities. " you blankety blankety woman what the blankety blank are you doing, you pick up that blankety blank blank off this asphalt and get your blankety blank out of here." At this point I was crying. Crying because I knew my dog was not going to live long and crying because this Jackwagon was screaming like I had stolen a rug from his establishment. In hindsight, I realize that this was probably not somewhere I should do it, but honestly there was no where else to go. I guess the perfectly, I mean perfectly asphalted and line painted jumbo parking lot that was never full and had the occasional Rolls Royce should have tipped me off but honestly I was more concerned about my dog than I was the carpet company that probably ships their rugs with elephant dung covering them. And yes I am still bitter. This Jackwagon made me sob, feel ashamed for what I had done. But also because I drove about 10 miles to the vets office with dog poo on napkins in my left hand. I'm not sure why I didn't stop somewhere else and throw it away but I was rattled. If you are reading this, you are probably wondering why I'm droning on and on. Well, I read a blog I believe it was "The Happy Hausfrau". She's pretty smart lady and has some really hard experiences and she's funny. She was speaking about something terrible that happened to her and the person that did it to her showed up on her Facebook page as a suggested friend. Well, that didn't happen but this rug company did show up in my social media. They want to follow me on Instagram. I'm sure they don't know who I am. I know they don't really want to go there.
Showing his Seminole Pride
Those things aside, around 2 weeks later Tattoo passed. Before I took him to the vet, we watched one final Jaguars game together. I stroked his fur and told him continuously how much I loved him and how much he meant to me. The Jaguars won that game. And to tell you the truth neither the Jaguars nor myself have been the same since.
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