The news about Josh Gordon's 1 year suspension sent "shock waves" around the league. The questions began. "Why should he get 1 yr? Maybe the League is too harsh on Marijuana infractions?! Shouldn't Josh be allowed more inclusion to his team EVEN though he's suspended"?! It was like a literal love fest for Josh Gordon. The man smoked pot and got busted. He even tried to say it was second hand smoke (I mean really!). Let me get this right. This Wide Receiver, Josh Gordon, who plays for the Browns (*Snicker*), is a Fantasy Football hero in many circles, is on a team that has had 20 something Quarterbacks in 15 yrs, plays on the same team with Johnny Manziel and all of these things make a case for "bending" the rules for a player that can't be bothered with trying to follow the rules and stay clean?! Hold On Playa.
Everybody is losing their minds over Josh Gordon and I'm over here like what about Justin Blackmon? What about letting him be closer to HIS team? He SURELY hasn't been helped with the distance that comes from suspension. Did anyone think of him this week when leniency ruled the day for JG?! No. Not one person. But I did. Because once you are on my team, you are on my team. Lots of similarities between JG and Justin Blackmon. Both in trouble in college and come into the NFL with those same problems.
Unfortunately, I have to wonder why no one felt this way about Justin Blackmon last year? Was it lackluster Quarterback play that would likely not garner much attention, fantasy football or otherwise? Was it that he played for Jacksonville Jaguars and we are considered low man on the totem pole in the NFL? Jacksonville: not storied enough, not proven enough, no rabid fan base? Please. You don't even know me.
Well, Josh Gordon, I just want you to know, second hand pot smoke or not, What's Good For The Goose Is Good For The Gander. You aren't better than Justin Blackmon. Please get clean and stay clean.
PS- Peeps. I can't say this enough. There is nothing, NOTHING, special about the Browns. But guess what?! The NFL and the Players Union are now "negotiating" to find a better solution than 1 yr suspensions. I will repeat. Where was everyone when Justin Blackmon was suspended last year?! Oh yeah. I forgot. He's JUST a Jaguar.
MDK In The House
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MDK In The House
We MUST Protect This House
Always Imitated, Never Duplicated
Just a Jaguar